Are you already a therapist contemplating the next step in your career progression? Do you enjoy sharing and discussing cases with other therapists?
If you find yourself answering yes to these questions, then becoming a clinical supervisor could provide the perfect opportunity to network with other therapists and grow your business.
What is Clinical Supervision
Clinical Supervision is a collaborative and interactive process offered by one therapist (usually the expert) to another. Its primary purpose is to create a safe space to discuss therapeutic practice and to facilitate mentoring and growth.
Nearly every therapist has laid awake worrying about a client or a session at some time in their career. It is not uncommon for a therapist to feel out of depth, especially when they are just starting out. But sometimes the details that your client shares, or their response during the therapy session, can leave even the most experienced therapists feeling overwhelmed.
Therapy is essentially a private process, so the opportunity to discuss a case with someone else can be an invaluable source of confidential support. Clinical supervision provides the opportunity for the therapist to evaluate their progress, clear doubts, and accept that they are doing their best. It is also a mechanism to ensure that the client is getting the most effective treatment and duty of care.
Peter Mabbutt, President BSCH, and Charles Caruana, Clinical Supervision Officer BSCH, share their thoughts on clinical supervision.
Expanding Your Practice
All professional societies recommend clinical supervision, and it is often a requirement for trainee therapists to undergo a pre-determined number of supervised sessions.
This can ensure a steady stream of business for your practice, and an opportunity for the clinical supervisor to enhance their reputation. Experienced therapists will often seek a clinical supervisor to talk through a challenging case or to debrief in a process called peer supervision.
Clinical supervisors will often find themselves in the role of a coach or mentor. Our clients have challenges in their lives, and it takes skill and effort to help them to rebuild healthier boundaries. Therapists can sometimes become caught up in the dynamics of the dysfunction, and the opportunity to de-brief with a third set of eyes can offer valuable insights.
Of course, an essential quality for clinical supervision is the art of constructive feedback. It is important to maintain a non-judgemental space so that the supervisee can reflect appropriately.
Charles shares how personal therapy was once an integral part of psychotherapeutic training and that clinical supervision can provide a similar opportunity for personal and professional growth
Experiential Learning
Experiential learning is one of the most effective ways to train to become a clinical supervisor. Therapists and clients come from culturally diverse backgrounds, and discussion and debate are integral to ironing out personal biases.
The LSCCH-LCCH Asia Group have worked with the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis (BSCH) to create a live virtual programme that engages students in lively discussion, role-play, and hands-on learning.
Another core component is the inclusion of a paid clinical placement which creates the opportunity to receive real feedback. Many trainee supervisors agree that the course enhances their own therapeutic practice as they acquire a clear structure on how to organise their own work.
The course is led by Charles Caruana who is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist, cognitive behavioural therapist, and clinical hypnotherapist, with over 30 years of experience in clinical practice. He is also the clinical supervisor officer for the BSCH.
He introduces students to the concept that an experienced clinical supervisor is to help their supervisees look at cases through a wider lens. The macro view enables the therapist to get a macro point of view and better insights on how to help their client solve the problems they face.
Charles reminds us that supervisees, rather like their clients, may require the space to open up, to talk about difficult situations or just be listened to. His training reminds us that we are just human beings who can soak up a lot of negative emotions. Effective clinical supervision creates an opportunity to debrief and let go of the negative stuff.
The Key Takeaway
Small things can make a big difference to your mind. Clients rely on their therapists, so it is essential that therapists have a safe space to grow and decompress. Being kind to your mind is an essential ingredient to offering transformative care.
This clinical supervision course encourages therapists to grow into their most effective selves. It is delivered over a few months to mentor future clinical supervisors to develop the hands-on skills that will help guide many therapists to learn, listen, and think more analytically about their delivery and their clients.
It is bold, fun, and seriously discounted,
Are you ready to take your career to the next level?